Sunday 4 May 2014

A day in Dubai

Yesterday we had planned a little bit of a road trip as I wanted to show Mormor and Morfar Dubai. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are so different from each other and I wanted them to experience that by themselves.

I was quite nervous driving all by myself to and through Dubai, there are more cars there and the traffic is just slightly more... intense than here. I'm proud to say it went really smoothly, and during the whole day, I only took one wrong turn (took an exit too early off the motorway, no biggie).

We actually started by driving to another emirate, Sharjah, just next to Dubai. I wanted to go to this furniture outlet I had been told about, where they import furniture from India which they sell on to other furniture shops. They have their warehouse in Sharjah, and you can buy the furniture straight from there, a lot cheaper. I wanted to go see if I could find any unique pieces, to weigh up all the IKEA furniture we have...

We had a good look around, and I took a lot of photos of things I liked. Will have to go back together with Nathan next time we are up that way, and have a better look together. There were definitely a lot of things I liked, that would suit our home.

After Sharjah we drove into Dubai Mall. Mormor and Morfar didn't want to go up Burj Khalifa, but we took a few pictures from the ground.

We had checked the kids into Kidzania, so they were well busy and taken care of for as long as we walked about in the mall.

We met up with Jeremy, who had brought me one of the bags I had left behind in Brunei, and had lunch with him and Shaun (another ex-Brunei pilot), at TGIFridays.

There is a perfect view from there to enjoy the water show at the big fountains.

Then we browsed the mall, and didn't pick the kids up until rather late. They ended up spending about five hours in Kidzania - which is nothing really ;) but they were happy and very content with their day. Especially since I had finally found them Heelys in their size, (we have been looking for Heelys since last summer..!) so a very good end to a very good day for them.

Me, I was happy just to make it back home, with the car all in one piece! :)


  1. Det där warehouse´t verkar spännande, var det "Pinkyfurniture". Här skulle det också behövas lite mer möbler för att blanda med allt från IKEA ;)
    Ett annat bra tips på utflykts mål i Sharjah är "Arabia´s Wildlife Center", det ligger inte inne i själva Sharjah, men är kul för både barn och vuxna.
    Kram från Dubai

  2. Sara - Nej, det var Lucky's Furniture. Googla, de har en hemsida. Tack för tipset om Wildlife Center, det får vi ta nästa gång! :)
