Monday 30 December 2019


This year our Danish friends the Dehlis in Dubai saw their oldest son Malthe go off to boarding school in Denmark. He is back home now for the Christmas holidays for a few weeks, and it was arranged that he came down here for a couple of days to come see Lucas.
I dropped them off at the mall one of the days, and Lucas took Malthe to Ferrari World where he had never been, they browsed the mall and then took themselves to Nandos for dinner. Boys hanging out.

It can't really be seen in this picture, but they are both towering over me by now. Lucas is around 185 cm and Malthe 192 cm tall...

They have known each other for a long time. To imagine they looked like this when their friendship first started back in Brunei! These pictures were taken the very first time Lucas was invited over to Malthes house for a playdate:


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