Sunday 2 November 2014

Only a week ago

It's hard to believe it was only one week ago we were having gelato together with our friends, walking across the Tiber and enjoying the crisp, gorgeous weather in Rome. Only a week ago. It feels like we've been back forever already.

I've washed what feels like a million loads of laundry (amazing how much laundry a family of four can create in just a week!) tidied up the house and fixed up the garden; Nathan has washed the cars, moved the lawn and done other things around the house.

Even though we've been here for a while now, I still can't get used to having the Friday-Saturday weekends. It feels odd starting up our week with full speed ahead on Sundays, whilst seeing relaxed and chilled updates on Facebook and other social media of my friends weekend happenings. I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, but it's still weird, really weird.

Full speed ahead it is. I'm busy every lunch time this week at school, helping Lucas' group out with their float, today we were painting leaves and glittering butterflies! We have a teachers meeting for Swedish School tomorrow and our "Term excursion" on Saturday, to the desert.
Lucas is having another installment of his tennis tournament on Friday, but we'll have to wait and see what the Dr says tomorrow about his foot. Nathan only has about another week of work, and then two plus weeks of holiday more; and Linnea, well, now that her birthday has been and gone, she is busy writing her wish list for Santa...
Our friend Will stops in on the weekend for some days of catching up, so yes - full speed ahead..!

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