So yesterday we took on the trip down to Göteborg to go and do the PCR tests before traveling. We could've done them much closer, but it turned out that by going to Göteborg we saved almost 4000 SEK, as the PCR-tests were half price there (only in the big cities!) compared to other places. So we did the drive there and back in the morning, no biggie.
Turned out it suited us rather well, because we could also on the way back pass the hotel where we are staying tonight (as we have a 6 am departure tomorrow, ouch) and drop off one of the suitcases, to make sure we could all fit in Mormor and Morfars car coming here this afternoon. One thing that make us miss their camper, it has space for all 6 of us together, and tons of luggage!

Last night the kids wanted to take Mormor and Morfar back to Pinchos in Lidköping for the last meal. That also worked out well, as Nathan had ordered four pairs of new glasses, progressive sunglasses and reading glasses, and they were ready for pick-up - just in time!
Plus Pinchos is always a hit!

I am so pleased we decided to go to the airport hotel today, not only so we can just roll out of bed, walk out of the reception and straight into the terminal early tomorrow morning; but also because the trip down to Göteborg today was totally stress free. (I experienced enough stress yesterday while waiting for those PCR-results...) Only thing was of course, Morfar didn't fit in the car, so we had to say goodbye to him at home in Stenum. ♥︎
And a photo with Mormor too, of course! She's on the step, but still can't quite reach up..! Ha ha!
So now we are here in the airport hotel with a view of the runway. The very quiet runway. It's so sad, there certainly isn't much going on.
I went for my daily walk, around and around the parking houses and the airport area, managed to close all rings just before the rain hit.
We had dinner in the hotel restaurant, and now we have all gone to bed and are about to turn out the lights - already at 9 pm, trying at least to get
some sleep before tomorrows long travel day.
So long Sweden! Thank you for welcoming us back again after what felt like forever.
It's been wonderful to be able to properly reconnect with family and friends this time - thank you all for creating lovely memories with us!
See you soon!