Saturday 11 October 2014

Cronut craze

Oooh, I do like our neighbours! Today we got invited over for afternoon coffee, and to try out what had became a three-day project - Chad's homemade 'cronuts':

A 'cronut' is a croissant-doughnut pastry. It's made by frying the laminated dough and then sugar, fill, and glaze it. The 'cronut' was invented and trademarked by a NY chef last year. It was actually named one of the "25 best inventions" of 2013, by Time magazine!
Apparently 'dosants' and 'doughssants' have been around for a while, and many imitations of the cronut have sprung up since as well. Whatever they are called, they were super yuuuuuuuummy!

I didn't come empty handed though, as I had actually been baking yesterday! Oh yes, I had made 'Pumpkin whoppie pies'! My Canadian friend Kim used to make these for me, and I loved them so I thought I'd give them a try. For a first attempt they weren't bad - check them out:

Ha ha, I won't show you the state of the kitchen after I was finished though. I'm really starting to miss Rhoda...

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