Monday 23 May 2016

Every week should start like this

Every week should start like this! (Yes, my weeks still start on Mondays, Sunday is just the warm-up...) Look what I was up to this morning, together with a bunch of crazy, happy girls from SWEA! We went boating, and swimming by a white beach in this clear green-turquoise water:

This morning I took the opportunity to get out to sea again. During our 2+ years here, I've only been on a boat once (only a few weeks ago actually), so when SWEA put a morning boat trip on their May schedule, I was quick to sign up.
We were almost 20 people on three boats, going out to Baharani Island this morning:

Wind in our hair and the Royal Palace in the background, with Maria, Nickan and Pia:

The water was so clear and beautiful and had the perfect temperature to cool us down a little bit, as it was well up into the 40s this morning.

We anchored up on a beach, so that we could set up our 'fika':

Gorgeous sandwiches, fruit, coffee, juices and... - cinnamon buns! Mmm... delicious!

We were only out there for a few hours this morning, but what an energy boost!!
Now to go do the school pickup... blergh... back to reality!

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