Friday 28 March 2014


Today has mostly been about unpacking. We had no imminent jobs, and we all felt like a day just potting around at home was just what we needed.

Unpacking moving boxes when you haven't packed them yourself is certainly a bit like Christmas - it's all a bit of a surprise what unravels. So far I've at least found amongst other things our champagne glasses, our soya containers for sushi dinners and the apple pie dish. All good, useful things!
The packers really did a phenomenal job. Everything was packed very thoroughly with a lot of layers of paper and bubble wrap. Linnea whilst helping me unpack thought it was a bit like playing "pass the parcel" with all the layers, but unfortunately without the candy in between!

Unpacking generates an incredible amount of rubbish though... We are getting rid of all the paper and the empty boxes little by little in the big garbage container down the road, trying not to fill it all up in one go...

Out of our 50 boxes, I only have six to go downstairs; with four staying unpacked until it's Christmas (yes I have a lot of Christmas stuff!) and about four or five to go upstairs - plus the three big ones that only contains Lego..! Not too bad actually!
No casualties (as of yet, *knock on wood*!), but we can't find my computer keyboard and mouse, and a very essential cable that goes with the Mac Mini... so we can't watch our recorded TV. Argh! Hopefully it all turns up in a box, very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! This reminds me of the time when I first moved to Abu Dhabi!
