Tuesday, 31 May 2022

I feel the need... the need for speed

We finished off our big week with going to the movies to watch the most anticipated movie at the moment, well, maybe ever? How is it possible that it's been THIRTY-SIX years since the original 'Top Gun' came out??! How??

My personal absolute favourite teenage-movie was 'Dirty Dancing', but come on - I think everyone in my generation has some kind of relationship to 'Top Gun'. I, like most people, had very high expectations on this sequel, and it sure didn't disappoint! It was really really great!

So, funny story:
Back in the day one of my girlfriends, Christina, met an American pilot as we passed through Dubai on one of our many slings as cabin crew. They started dating, and he turned out to be a real Top Gun-pilot! He even turned up to our wedding in his Full Dress White uniform!

They eventually broke up, but we have somewhat kept in touch with Chad throughout the years. The other day at the movie, as I was watching the credits roll by - guess whose name pops up!?? Totally unexpected, and something we didn't know, but he was the "F14 Technical Advisor" for this movie! How awesome!
Go Chad!

Oh, the places you'll go!

Today is your day.
You're off to great places!
You're off and away!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself.
Any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

Kid, you'll move mountains!

You're off to great places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So... get on your way!

Class of 2022

Saturday 28 May it was Lucas' big day - time for the Graduation Ceremony of the Class of 2022!
We dropped him off at school at 4 pm for a bit of a rehearsal, after he had got some help getting ready:

Look! So gorgeous! Couldn't be more proud!

We turned up ourselves to find some seats in the packed auditorium at 5 pm. SO nice by the way, to be able to do this live, and with family welcome - even if it was with no music due to the current mourning. Still - live, and together!

- "Woo-hoo!"

The ceremony was beautiful, with well worded speeches; from amongst others the old principal Mr Ian, who left the school back in March after six years. So nice of him to come back for these students!

Family photo!

Proud parents!

Lucas and his gang were mentioned in their Grade 12 Year Book, as 'Best Clique'. Naaawww!

Lucas and Yazan, one of his very best friends, and one of the longest friendships. They both started at Raha in Grade 4. It's rather sad to see them all now say goodbye to each other, as they spread their wings and fly all over the world - but that's life I guess.
I trust they will all keep in touch, at least that is so much easier now than it was when I left school 30 years ago.

The joy on all their faces!

We went straight from the Graduation Ceremony at school to the Gala Dinner Celebration at the Ritz Carlton. It was really, really lovely to get to continue the celebrations together with our kids.

Or rather - it was really, really lovely to see the kids have so much fun together, this "last night with the gang". There was a big parent-kid-conga-line at one stage and there were quite a lot of parents letting their hair down on the dance floor - but mostly it was the kids' going crazy and dancing the night away!

Now it's time to get out into the world Lucas - and live your life! We are so incredibly proud of you, and so excited to see what you will do next! We love you, always.

Student 2022 / Graduation Party

In the research and anticipation of this week, I have come to understand that the High School Graduation and the celebrations surrounding it looks very different in different countries and cultures. 
I wanted to do a bit of a private celebration, like in Sweden, and prepared for a party at our house the day before the actual Graduation (which was at 5pm in the afternoon, so we had plenty of time to sleep in and recover!). I admit, I did go slightly overboard with all the decorations...

There was balloons, signs, flags, confetti and much more everywhere!

I was most proud of the two timelines I had printed out, one with all the school photos and one with all the "First day of school"-photos each year. It really shows how fast time flies!

I had made it easy and ordered in some catering and we invited our guests for bubbles and nibbles!

Lucas didn't quite understand the guest list, so had to explain that it is a BIG thing for parents too, having their first child finish off school! That it's normally celebrated with family and friends around. Here we don't have any family, but we invited the people that care about Lucas - that we thought would like to come and celebrate him.
Some we have known longer than others, so glad to see the Dehlis from Dubai (and Brunei) represented by Anne and Ida. They are as close to family to us, as it gets here. We also go way back with Peta and Browny, they too have known Lucas since he was a young boy in Brunei.

The Jacobssons and the Nordins came as well - dressed to the nines!

My friend Kathleen, and the Hammarbäcks:

Holger, Karin and Leni, our old neighbours, came as well; but unfortunately the McGeehees, our other old neighbours had to miss out due to having caught Covid. Boo.

We had also ordered a cake, with chocolate fudge and salted caramel - super yummy! It was massive, about 4 kgs, so it will last us a while..!

Nathan tried to do a quick little speech, but it all got too emotional for all of us...

... so it turned into a big group hugging session instead:

Valle and Lucas:

We soon abandoned the bubbles for some margaritas, and then we stopped taking photos..!

Lucas got some lovely and thoughtful gifts. Quite a bit of cash, which of course will be useful; but also a cook book and some tea towels, some waterproof packing bags, a beautiful diary and a pen, a cocktail mixing set and a recipe book for cocktails, a gift card for Virgin and finally a big set of silver cutlery from Mormor and Morfar.
We haven't quite decided on our own gift yet, I presume there will be a bit to set him up with in case he will move into his own apartment in the fall. We will wait and see what's needed.

Graduation Prom

Lucas big celebration week kicked off on the Wednesday evening with their student organised prom. The Grade 12 had theirs at the Ritz Carlton, and Lucas had two new suits to choose from for the occasion. He picked the grey/black combo for this evening, and saved the blue/white one for Graduation itself. Looked smooth!

These tiny, tiny parents really have to stretch to plant a kiss on his cheek now! So tall and handsome!

He drove to the prom, and these photos are from when he picked up his date Lotte:

You don't get much information out of teenagers, but it seemed like he had had a good time; both at the prom itself and at the afterparty. Here's Lucas and his mate Yazan:

The boys: