Tuesday 20 August 2024

Trollhättan Falls

The next excursion spot for us was Trollhättan.

We spent some time there five years ago, together with the Teti family at the Innovatum Center. This time we were a bit more cultural and less playful. We went to see the Trollhättan Falls. 

The falls in Trollhättan are the highest and most powerful in any river in Southern Sweden, but since the water is held back by the sluice gates it's not until these gates are opened that the true power comes to life when 300,000 liters of water come through at the same time.

Normally the floodgates open during specific times in the summer season, but due to the ongoing energy crisis they haven't opened this summer. It was still impressive though, to see the size of the locks.

And the views from up high.

We also explored the Kings Cave. This is a huge rock formed sometime after the ice age.

This is Trollhättan's own guestbook for royals throughout the ages. Probably chosen because it has excellent views of the waterfalls. Here we could find signatures from Adolf Fredrik in 1754, to the current Carl Gustaf XVI.

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