Wednesday, 26 February 2025


The next few days of my trip was spent with Linnea where she lives during her Au Pair-year, in Orpington, south-east of London. She is looking after a 4-year old little boy, R, who is very sweet.
I joined in taking him to school, which involves a 20 (-30 minute, depending on how much there is to look at along the way) walk. This particular day we had some rain, and the umbrella was a bit tricky to manage, ha ha!

The rain didn't last long, and we had some quite nice Spring days. Where she lives is very quiet, in the village but on the outskirts, close to the woods. The whole front garden was lined with daffodils, and even a fox came to visit.

I was very proud of how natural she was in looking after her little mate, she really is a hit with kids, she always has been, but she has taken to this more responsible role very well. It was really nice to see where she lives, get to see her room, what she does every day, to meet the family and so on.

Book Day was coming up, so a costume test had to be done!

Linnea and I had some relaxed days together, taking R to school and picking him up, playing outside with him in the nice weather; but we also explored Orpington while he was at school, and even went back into London one day when he was away longer. More about that in the next post.

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