Thursday, 27 February 2025

London sightseeing

Linnea wanted to do some sightseeing on the day we went back into London. It's only about a 20 minute train ride, and you are in the city, so easily done on the days where her mate is in school all day.

Linnea hadn't really seen Big Ben in the daytime, so that's what we aimed for. We jumped off at Waterloo Station and made our way up to the Southbank.

We found a nice French-themed bistro for brunch, yum yum!

Then we continued to walk along the Themes, it was a bit grey, but rather warm

Time for photos!

Linnea got to see her sights, and we did a long walk around the neighbourhood.

We then continued with a quick visit to the National Gallery (more about that in its own post!) before we had some coffee and had to return back to Orpington for the school pick-up.
We took the more rural and scenic route for the walk from the train station back to her house. Spring in the air for sure!

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