Monday 23 February 2015

Sushi love

Sushi is a firm favourite in our family, we all love sushi. We've only had it a very few times since we got here, both because not many places measure up to our favourite 'Excapade Sushi' in Brunei but also because it's simply too expensive.
The other day I found myself stopping up in front of the "Eastern food" shelf in the supermarket and thought, it's about time we try making our own!

So today the kids and I made our own maki rolls for dinner, filled with salmon, crab sticks, cucumber and avocado. Apart from the preparing of the rice, which next time I'll do in advance - it's pretty much fast food, it was quickly done.

I must say, even though we all have to work on our rolling technique, all our rolls turned out pretty yum! Well done us!

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