We haven't been able to take part of Morfars birthday celebrations very often, as his birthday is at the end of June, normally before school is finished. Last time was 7 years ago when we had Eid that shortened the term.
But this time we were there, and could celebrate Morfar turning 87! Hip hourray!
We didn't do singing and gifts in the morning, but saved it all to the morning fika. He got only a few gifts, but good ones, like Triss-lottos, something he really enjoys. He also got a very cute 'Hoptimist' that we had bought him in Copenhagen, because we thought it looked like a magician; and a ChromeCast, so that they can watch better TV easier. He also got something exciting that Mormor bought him at Falkängen, see below.
Here's a small movie of what was in the parcel:
For birthday fika we went to the coffee shop Skogshyddan in Lidköping, as it is one of our favourite places. It is really beautiful there right by the shore, they have a lot of space, and a lot of different fika to choose from. It was a really lovely, and warm, day.
I had been longing for a Swedish shrimp open sandwich, and I was lucky, as they had that on the menu!
We saved the birthday cake to the evening. Linnea had made the cake, and Mormor and her had decorated with fresh strawberries, from Mormors strawberry patch.

Happy Birthday Morfar! Grattis grattis!