I got very spoiled for my big day, not only with endless well wishes on social media, confetti and balloons - and visitors from near and far; I also got some lovely gifts to commemorate this special birthday.
I got bottles of champagne, some Chocolate Block and some gin.
Kathleen and Termy had custom ordered a gold necklace with my name in Arabic, something I've always wanted!

Karin and Holger brought me a Ritual candle, and - this plant! Rather optimistic... ha ha... considering I have killed not one, but
two gardens in our old villa! Karen thought our balcony lacked som greenery and I certainly will do my best to keep this alive, but I'm afraid my I have none of my Mum's green fingers...
Pia celebrated our friendship by gifting me the Bojesen 'Love birds', naw!
The big blue box came from Erika. It looks like a coffee table book, but it actually contains a photo album. Erika had printed out photos from the very beginning of our friendship, 27 years ago, until now -
what a trip down memory lane! Such a thoughtful gift, what a job! Ha ha, also putting the pressure on for me thinking of something really special for
her big day next year!
Anna had got me a box with '50 things to do when you are 50'! We decided that I should draw one card every week, and the first one I drew while she was here said "Bake a cake and invite friends around". My kind of challenge!
Linnea and Nathan knows me well, so they didn't get me any real flowers, but a bouquet of red Lego roses..! Cute! It will be built on a day when I need some focused downtime.

Linda (and Johan) gifted me a dinner, with the following rhyme (sorry, it's in Swedish!):
"Till Boel när du fyller 50 och fabulös
Positiva saker att säga om dig finns såklart en hel drös
Du är driftig, kunnig, pålitlig och väldigt ambitiös
En underbar vän som gillar att uppleva, utforska och se nya saker
Du är lojal, härligt ironisk och uppskattar konstens alla smaker
En härlig dam som jag haft mycket roligt med i UAE under åren
Spelkvällar, Expot, midsommarbåt, på olika palats och gallerier beundrat dekoren
Luncher, Bruncher, Magaritas, cirkus på Afternoon Tea och champagne på hotelltak
Jag fortsätter på tema mat för att fira dig med ett riktigt brak
Kom med mig till Atlantis det nya, en kväll för att fira 50-årsdagen din
Med att på Dinner by Heston få se både Masterchef, meat, fruit och liquid nitrogin
Datum bestämmer vi ihop, och jag är chaufför så att du får dricka vin!
P.S Det är från mig och maken min - men han får bara följa med i teorin"

So, I can't wait for that - Dinner by Heston at Atlantis in Dubai!
Finally my parents gave me some money to spend on my next visit to the Goldman, which turned into a really pretty set with a gold necklace and bracelet.
Lucky lucky me!