We are about halfway through what I usually call 'Sad September', as I usually feel rather down this time of the year. Although this year it all feels quite different. It's actually been rather busy, so I haven't had time to be too sad, nor about September - not even about Lucas not being here.
For sure it has created a new dynamic just being the three of us in the house, and sometimes it feels like Lucas is just up in his room, or out with friends. We do miss him lots obviously, but we are at the same time so excited for him and this new life he is creating for himself.
We love hearing from him about all the things that he is up to and we are cheering him on each step he takes towards his independence. I can tell you - he is certainly growing and advancing fast!
Uni has started with a bang but he seems to be on top of it all really nicely, and most importantly - he seems to be enjoying his course. He has got himself a job at a Brewpub/Restaurant where he can work a few shifts a week to get some extra pocket money. He has met and befriended new people, and have been out and about just living life, and seems to have lots going on. Oh to be young again..!
Linnea has really got on top of her school work for DP already from day 1, which is a great. The fall term always seem a bit heavier with new subjects, teachers, routines and class mates, and less holidays to interrupt the flow. So it's a good thing she so intent on staying focused, she's really off to a good start.
Not only have I been up at the Louvre Abu Dhabi working already quite a few days this month, but we have a new temporary exhibition coming up in less than a month, so I have plenty of study material to go through for that.
There really is no time to sit around and be bored!
But as any good procrastinator, having this studying hanging over me, has made me start other projects around the house as well... We have for example cleared out, tidied and reorganised all the office drawers, the kitchen and the storage room. Next is Lucas room.

Nathan is off up to Scandinavia soon for a weeks holiday, to catch up with Lucas and bring him some more of his things. Namely his warm jacket, some beanies, scarves and mittens to prepare for the cold..!
This September it's actually all going on!