Sunday, 26 January 2025

The 21st gift

So Nathan and I redeemed ourselves a bit this weekend, as Nathan went up to Copenhagen to hang out with Lucas and Thomas. He took him into town to get him his birthday present from us, and as it was his 21st - it was a big present..!

Lucas has wished for the big Millenium Falcon™ LEGO set forever, and he must have thought it was a completely unattainable wish - he got tears as he got to pick it out from the shop..!
First they just went to look in the shop..:


 Then he was told we would get it for him:

A very surprised - and very happy birthday boy! Sad I wasn't there to share this moment with them, but it is what it is.

As the 21st birthday is special for the Kiwis, Nathan himself got a very nice watch from his parents when he turned 21. A watch that he still uses for nice occasions, it's one of his most priced possessions by far. He did initially want to get Lucas a watch as well for his big day, but we finally reckoned he would be - at this time in his life - more happy for this LEGO set, ha ha!
There will come more special birthdays!

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