Friday, 31 January 2025

Your time starts now!

This week it was my time to host our Swedish Game Night. I had looked forward to it, and set a nice table with my colourful Flower Farm flowers.

For our dinner I had prepared a new recipe with turmeric rice and salmon, which was delish! (And I had made far too much food, so now I have lunch food for the whole weekend at the museum!)

For dessert I inaugurated my birthday present from Linnea and prepared a dessert platter (inspired from the one Tash brought over for Christmas two years ago, which has been with me since then!). It got real popular, such a nice way of presenting dessert!

We had so much fun playing my new 'Taskmaster" game!


I had sorted out some of the tasks that would have been too difficult to complete without being able to go outside - or without wrecking things..!

The game board with our self portraits, can you see who is who?

Lots and lots of laughs, silly tasks and brain teasing missions!

I love our Game Nights!

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Kings & Queens of Africa: Forms and Figures of Power

The first international exhibition of 2025 has opened at the Louvre Abu Dhabi - Kings & Queens of Africa: Forms and Figures of Power. It's a huge exhibition, covering the rich history, creativity and cultural legacy of Africa through the 11th to the 21st centuries.


It is the first exhibition of its kind in the region, dedicated to African art. Over 350 objects are on display, including royal attire, spiritually significant figures and much more.

The exhibition is divided in to three sections, exploring the art and power of Africa's great kingdoms, empires, city-states and chiefdoms; highlighting the many dimensions of power and influence in African history.

The exhibition brings together a diverse collection, in collaboration with Musée Quai Branly Jacques Chirac. It is also combining work's from Louvre Abu Dhabi's permanent collection with pieces loaned by prestigious international institutions as well as from local institutions such as the Sharjah Art Foundation and Guggenheim Abu Dhabi.

It is really nice to see how the spectrum of art history presented in the permanent galleries gets broadened with each International Exhibition that we welcome at the museum.

This is a beautiful, colourful and inspiring exhibition, honouring the extraordinary cultural legacy of the Sub-Saharan Africa.

The is royal portraits, sculptures, ceremonial objects, textiles, masks and much much more; discovering the connection between art, power and identity across the African continent.

The influence of Islam on the African continent is reflected through significant artworks on display.

The curatorial idea also reveals how the cultural legacies continue to inspire contemporary art and culture, and beyond.
Several contemporary pieces create a dialogue between the past and the present.

These are only a few of the artwork presented, please come to the museum and discover this exhibition! It is on until 25 May.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Back to the Flower Farm

Today I went back to the Flower Farm, together with Tash. Such a surprising and beautiful place in the middle of nowhere!

We strolled around and enjoyed the colours, the birds and the butterflies for a while, before we picked ourselves a beautiful bouquet each.

25 AED for all this, bargain!

Sunday, 26 January 2025

The 21st gift

So Nathan and I redeemed ourselves a bit this weekend, as Nathan went up to Copenhagen to hang out with Lucas and Thomas. He took him into town to get him his birthday present from us, and as it was his 21st - it was a big present..!

Lucas has wished for the big Millenium Falcon™ LEGO set forever, and he must have thought it was a completely unattainable wish - he got tears as he got to pick it out from the shop..!
First they just went to look in the shop..:


 Then he was told we would get it for him:

A very surprised - and very happy birthday boy! Sad I wasn't there to share this moment with them, but it is what it is.

As the 21st birthday is special for the Kiwis, Nathan himself got a very nice watch from his parents when he turned 21. A watch that he still uses for nice occasions, it's one of his most priced possessions by far. He did initially want to get Lucas a watch as well for his big day, but we finally reckoned he would be - at this time in his life - more happy for this LEGO set, ha ha!
There will come more special birthdays!

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Time travel

A little over seven years ago when the museum opened, the first visitors were two young sisters who then were welcomed by the museum director, Mr Rabaté.
The other day they came back for a return visit, and once again Mr Rabaté welcomed them - before I got the pleasure of delivering them a tour.

Not only had the museum changed a lot since last time they were here; but the girls had grown up too, of course.
I really enjoyed spending time with them as we walked through the galleries together before opening time. I was so impressed by both their demeanor, and their knowledge. They interacted so beautifully both with me and the artwork; were attentive, asked relevant questions and answered mine, and engaged in deep discussions around the art and history.

Their mother was also taken aback, and almost excused herself while exclaiming: "Can I just say how proud I am by my girls! I didn't know they learnt so much at school!". Bless! They were so beautiful!

Here is a small movie from their visit:

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Lucas' 21st

In a different continent and time zone, someone else also celebrated his birthday - TWENTY-ONE!
Lucas got woken up as per Danish tradition with singing and flag waving, by his Danish family. They then had breakfast together and he got some gifts, before he was off to Uni for the day.

In the evening the whole clan had gathered for a steak dinner so we only managed to speak with him very briefly when we came back from our dinner. It didn't really suit with the time difference, as he was in the middle of his dinner when we were about to go to bed.

Turning 21 is really only meaningful for him here in the UAE, as you have to be 21 to drink here. Lucas is already looking forward to his next visit, when he will not be our designated driver going to Craft..!

Even if it doesn't mean anything in Scandinavia to turn 21, in Nathan's tradition this is a big one. We admittedly dropped the ball on his gift and didn't get it sorted in time, so he will get it on the weekend when Nathan turns up in Copenhagen. Stretching the celebrations!

Happy Birthday to me!

My first birthday without both the kids... I have to admit, it was a bit weird. But Nathan sure stepped up and went and got tons of balloons (as you know, celebrations demand balloons!), and a card - his gift I will have to go and get myself.

Linnea had left me a card and a gift in preparation though, so I had something to open! It was a round wooden tray that I had liked in passing. She must have been listening!

Nathan also organised pancake breakfast, with eggs and bacon, artisan croissants and - Will and Tash, who also brought me birthday gifts! I'm a lucky girl!

I got my own little pink balloon dog sculpture, and an Andy Warhol puzzle!

We didn't do much for the rest of the day, until evening time when Will and Tash accompanied us for birthday dinner over at Yas Bay.
We had booked a table at Asia Asia, always a safe bet, and sure thing - it was so so good!

Pornstar Martini and Processo, dumplings and sushi, salmon tempura and blackened cod, mmm!

And even a happy birthday wish on a dessert plate for me!