There are quite a few things on our list of foods that we would like to enjoy when we get to Sweden in the summers. Rhubarb crumble is one of them - with a LOT of custard..!
This summer I also managed to catch the ice cream truck when it came by. Liquorice ice cream, yum yum yum!

Meatball sandwich:
Since I didn't see my friend Erika this summer, I had to have my one soft ice of the summer, with raspberry and liquorice topping of course, by myself.
Mormor's garden has many treasures, one of the biggest ones is the blackberry bush. Every day there was more and more ripe blackberries, and we ate them straight off the bush, in blackberry crumble, together with 'kladdkaka' and as topping on our breakfast cereal and porridge, and decoration on cake.
We only ate lunch out very few times this summer, but two of those times I ordered the same thing - prawn sandwich. The left one here was the yummier one (from Varnhem Klostercafé), even though it lacked a bit in decoration compared to the right one.
Our home cooked meals were yum too, we like a lot of 'husmanskost':
I enjoyed a drink or two in the afternoon sun:
Of course we did the Swedish thing and had tacos one night. Swedes take their "taco-mys" very seriously... check out the taco section in this supermarket..!