Christmas Day was a really quiet day for us. We spent all day at home, starting of course with coffee and our gifts in the morning. Again, there was a mountain of presents under the tree, and I'm not quite sure how that happened..!
The kids had really done well with their gifting this year (again), Linnea had bought Lucas both some Spiced Chai (his new favourite drink) and a Christmas mug in London. She had also got him a Santa for his Christmas tree.
Mormor & Morfar had sent down the cookbook of all cookbooks, 'Rutiga Kokboken', and a couple of cooking Santas for his collection. We also all received (yes, even Linnea now) our own copy of the family wall calendar.
Lucas and Nathan also had "got each other" the same Icebreaker sweaters:
And of course there was the usual underwear and socks presents being opened as well.
The food theme continued for Nathan as I had got him a new pepper mill in Sweden, and Linnea had bought him some Festive Coffee and truffle powder in London. Funnily enough, Nathan had bought me new salt- and pepper mills too! Great minds think alike!
He also got a cookie jar full of snaps (!) from Mormor & Morfar, and a Pop Funk figure, from Linnea:
Mormor & Morfar had also got Linnea a Santa, and silver earrings:
Linnea continued to score big though, as many of the things she had found herself in London ended up being Christmas gifts, make-up, jewellery, clothes and a hand bag. So not many surprises there, although she hadn't noticed I had bought her some London-themed Christmas tree decorations and Harrods tea:
Nor did she know about the Dyson Airwrap..! Thinking she will be moving to Uni next year, she cannot keep using (stealing) mine.
I was spoiled too. I got a book about Monet, some perfume, santas for my collection, a cool art themed deck of cards and a fun puzzle from Mormor & Morfar, with a Skara motif on it!
I also received the biggest gift of them all, a new computer!

Lucas and his girlfriend Tove had also done really well with their gifts. Lucas gifted Linnea some much wished for make-up, and Tove had got her a sweatshirt that already has been put to use. I received a Chinese soap and a lipstick (in my best colour!), and above all, we all got very sweet and personal Christmas cards from Tove, as she was supposed to be here but ended up changing plans and now is not coming until after New Year.
Tove and Lucas' gift to Nathan had been the source of all the curiousity up to Christmas, as it was HUGE! Apparently they hadn't been aware of its size when they bought it, ha ha, so poor Lucas had to transport it here as special luggage! It was a to-go bar, a portable cool box which doubles as a table! Perfect!
For some reason I didn't get a single photo of our Swedish julbord, but we had all the goodies! I had schlepped two suitcases back the week before returning from Sweden!
Instead, you get the yearly Christmas family photo:
Merry Christmas to all!