Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Nooo, not again

These holidays are starting to feel just like last year, with changes in restrictions happening almost daily in reaction to increased spread. Yesterday the dreaded, but not surprising, news about the school start came - Abu Dhabi have decided to start next term remotely with two weeks of e-learning.

Only Abu Dhabi. Not Dubai, or the other emirates.

I am very much all for the "rather safe than sorry"-approach, but I don't agree that schools should be the first things to shut, again, all while life goes on everywhere else. The F1 and the Mubadala Tennis Championships still happened; there was no cancellations of National Day Celebrations or Christmas Brunches. Expo is open, as are all the tourist attractions and Abu Dhabi is still planning for world record breaking fireworks for New Years Eve... but the poor school kids are the ones having to make sacrifices and get their lives disrupted the most.

All we can wish for now, is that the situation calms down, so that this will only be for the first two weeks. It feels like last year all over again, and the fear is that this is just the beginning is so depressing.

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