Sunday 5 April 2020

Corona Diary, Day 24-25

Day 24, Friday 3 April
Weekend. In these times it just means no alarm, so we get up slightly later, and the kids don't have school work to do. Otherwise for Nathan and myself, same same. Some exercise, some reading, a lot of coffee, some social media scrolling, cooking dinner and some TV - and that's another quarantine day for you.

Today I had a text conversation with an Instagram friend, which really made my day. I have been a follower of her account for a while. Firstly because she comes from the same place as I do in Sweden; but mostly because she lives in the countryside and she captures those surroundings, and all the shifts in nature, so beautifully. I keep praising her photos as they really touch me, now more than ever - when there is no greenery in sight for me, for probably a very long time. So today she told me today that she had been thinking of me during todays walk in the woods, and that the spring flowers she had posted on her feed today, was for me. Thank you J.

Day 25, Saturday 4 April
I hadn't planned to go shopping for food again until maybe Monday or Tuesday, but as there was a buzz about a potential full lockdown, we decided to go today anyway. So many people in the shop! We donned our masks and gloves and hurried up as much as we could, to quickly get back home to our safe little bubble. It's weird how strange it feels to be out and about.
A spot of exercise, some Zoom-calls with family and friends; yummy roast for dinner while catching a new series on Netflix, and another weekend done! School again tomorrow.

I read something today that I would like to share with everyone out there, especially those of you who might be struggling a bit with this current situation. To help you change your mindset, remember: "You are not stuck in your home, you are SAFE in your home". Stay home people, stay safe.

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