Wednesday, 17 September 2014


This afternoon it was time for another activity to start for the term - Svenska Skolan (=Swedish School)! Today was really only sign-up and a chance to get to know the new students, give the old ones a chance to catch up; and for the parents to mingle and get to know the teachers a bit.

And guess what!? I'm actually one of the teachers this year!
Svenska Skolan had been looking for a new teacher for a long time, without any luck. Then I came along, and since one of the requirements is that you have to be really passionate for Sweden and everything Swedish - I fitted in really well!

Here's our teachers team - me, Liselotte, Emma and our "trainee" Nici.

It's a pretty fabulous team! We all complement each other very well, quite a dream team! I'm sure we are going to have a great term together with the students.

Today it was all about fun. We went outside to play some name games and other games:

There was also some free play:

And when all the students had left, the teachers got busy cleaning up, and moving all our things into our new classroom so that we are all set for next week when the lessons starts for real! I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow - congratulations!!! They are lucky to have you!
