Sunday, 28 August 2022

Grown and flown

As Linnea and I packed our suitcases to close up our summer holidays and go back home to Nathan, this time we left Lucas behind. It was time to say goodbye, but not goodbye like many times before - a big goodbye, until, I don't actually know when!
This process of having a kid leaving home has been a bit different for us, as it hasn't been a long and slow process. Most young people who move out just go somewhere else close by, or at least stay in the same country - or even continent! Sure, we knew it was coming, but it still felt like quite a blunt, abrupt ending; in a way, to his whole childhood.
He's now off to do his own thing, live his own life!

I tried to put on a smile while I hugged him (as long and hard as I could) and wished him all the good-luck-be-good-stay-safe-have-fun. It all got too emotional for this Mummy, I am the nostalgic and sentimental type after all.

We are missing him lots back home, but we are so proud of him and are so excited to see where life will take him!

He's so lucky to get to borrow and live in this little annex in a friend's garden to start with. A home away from home, with a fabulous safety net of all our friends around Skåne and Copenhagen looking after him for us, if he needs to!

A space to call his own, with all that he needs. At the moment he doesn't have much "stuff", but Nathan is planning to go see him for his leave in September, and will bring him some more things from here then.

So, our first baby is grown and flown.
At least - there is Zoom and WhatsApp, and easy ways to keep in touch. Even though it will be longer than before, this goodbye is not forever. ♡♡♡

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