Sunday, 21 August 2022

At the plant market

One of the things Mormor looked forward to was going to the yearly plant market hosted not far from us this year, by the big garden association Trädgårdsamatörerna. She was going to bring my aunt Tina and her friend Viola, but after they had talked about the rush at opening and how people were usually found fighting over plants, I wanted to come along to see this spectacle!

Although this was the queue before opening, in front of the entrance...

... which continued behind us down towards the buses (!) that had arrived...

There was actually nobody running, or pushing and no need for the brass knuckles we had joked about. Everyone was behaving disappointingly well, ha ha!

We participated in the lottery, Mormor had 3 wins out of her 4 attempts, and I had one win on my five. Not bad though!

It was a really lovely day, so the market was full of people. Many like me seemed to mostly look forward to the fika break, cause the lane for the coffee was actually the longest! But worth it, om nom nom!

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