Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Swedish coffee with the Swedish Ladies

I came back home late Tuesday night from my Sweden-trip, and early Wednesday morning I went to the Swedish residency for some Swedish coffee with the Swedish Ambassador - and the SwedishLadies-group.

The latest Swedish Ambassador, Liselott, arrived on the post in August; and she hit the ground running with Expo2020 and everything around it. This was the first time she invited us over to the residency, to mingle and chat, and have Swedish fika.

Even though the residency obviously is a place for representation, it is nice to see the personal touches that each Ambassador brings. I'm on my third Ambassador by now, and I particularly liked the soft furnishings she had chosen, like these Svenskt Tenn cushions, and this beautiful rug.

She also displayed a piece of art depicting the Swedish pavilion at the Expo2020:

It was a really nice morning!

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