Saturday 18 January 2020

Personal Project Presentation

This week we went to school two days in a row, first for the Three-Way-Conferences on Monday to hear all about how this school year is going for the kids.
Consensus: a bit of a mixed bag, but nothing really to worry too much about. The kids are alright.

Then on Tuesday we returned to school to visit the Grade 10 Personal Project Presentation, where all the students in Grade 10 showcased their presentations of the projects they have been working on all fall. There was everything; someone having written a song, someone investigating using containers as living space, someone creating a make-up line, someone looking how architecture will evolve in the future, someone creating a workout program for autistic children etc etc.

So, the Personal Project is an independent research project which all Grade 10 students at IB schools undertake. The students are supposed to show their ability to independently organise, create and complete a substantial body of work. Grade 10 marks the completion of the MYP in IB, and the Personal Project is one of the big things this year.
In Lucas' case, his presentation was on making a sneaker out of sustainable material. He spent Tuesday morning finalizing his board..:

Finished result:

Well done Lucas!

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