Thursday 31 May 2018

Last day of May

Five whole weeks to go before summer holidays still. Five. Time really seems to go excruciatingly slow at the moment, each day just drags on and on.
Someone has turned up the heat again, and above all the humidity, for real this past week. The temperatures are soaring. No more running outside here for me now, that's it. I'm glad I met my goal at least, but now the real challenge is to keep at it and not loose the fitness until I go to Scandinavia.

At least it's the last day of May. Finally.
It's been a painful month to spend on social media (what else to do when you are confined to inside living...), since my whole feed has been full of picnics, summer, greenery, lilacs, BBQ evenings, friends hanging out, boat premiers and everything else outdoorsy, summery and lovely. It's actually been the warmest month of May in Sweden since 1889..!
Of course I don't begrudge the Scandinavians some sun and warmth, they certainly deserve it after the long winter they had. But, somewhere inside of me a small, small voice is thinking "You just wait until October when you all are back inside, and it's all dark and cold... I'll be posting sunny pictures EVERY day!"

It's not great to wish time away, but May and June really are my least favourite months here. I feel like a zombie on house arrest and can't wait to start living again. Those summer holidays can't come fast enough!

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